IBS, anxiety and joyful things

The Perfect Summer Dress for an IBS-Bloated Tum

Do you remember when we had that first heat wave a few weeks ago? Well I do, because I immediately panicked that I didn’t have any dresses to wear that…

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How I’m Finally Getting Help for My Anxiety with CBT

If you’ve been reading my blog recently you’ll know that my posts have all had a similar theme; IBS battles, heading towards water to heal my mind and reflecting on…

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In Defence of Never Confirming Plans

I’ll hold my hands up. I am terrible at confirming and then sticking to plans. In particular with my friends. I know it and they know it but they’re too…

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What Living with IBS is Really Like for Me

Navigating life with IBS is messy, painful and full of ups and downs. When you’re flare free, it’s exhilarating, you think you’ve got it. You’re fixed. Then one bad flare…

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15 Things That Have Been Putting a Grin on My Chops

I like to make a note on my phone of all the things I’ve been loving, things that have been putting a grin on my chops and generally bringing me…

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My Favourite Places To Go When I Need To Take a Breath

Being near water not only brings back incredibly happy childhood memories, it also makes me feel at ease. I can physically feel the weight lift off my shoulders, I can…

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7 Toilet Essentials for When I’m Stuck Having an IBS Flare

I sometimes feel like me and my loo are the best of friends. We spend a lot of time together due to my IBS-D. I’m definitely reliant on it and…

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5 Things That Irritate the Hell Out of My IBS

IBS is a wily one. There are a wonderful amount of things that have the ability to kick off an IBS flare. For me, increased stress, a whiff of lactose and…

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17 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Work Bestie

Sometimes in life you’re lucky to work side-by-side with someone who’s passionate, driven, determined and super creative, which spurs you on. Sometimes in life you’re lucky enough to become work besties…

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