Walking alone by the beach, listening to the waves crash on the rocks, I realised what my word of 2019 should be. Self discovery. Yeah, yeah, I know technically that’s two words but hear me out.
For me, when I think about self discovery it stirs up a lot of things. Mainly…
Being brave.
Going it alone.
Taking risks.
Dancing to the beat of my own drum.
Self acceptance.
Challenging myself.
Taking myself away for a break when I need time to think.
Pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
Working out what makes me tick. Where my passions lie. Then doing more of that.
Feeling an immense sense of freedom and the joy it brings.
All that good stuff.
It started this week with a break in Mudeford, my happy place. Indulging myself in some quality me time. Not having any distractions. Simply spending my time either tapping away at my business plan and how I want to get there, or slow meandering walks by the sea, watching the dogs scrabble across the pebbles after the ball.
It’s given me a lot of time to be at one with my own thoughts and to get comfortable with them.
I’ve been easing myself into this new year because I have no idea what it holds for me but I’m allowing myself to feel it all. Excited, anxious, emotional, unprepared and completely ready for the challenges ahead. Because I know it won’t be easy and I still have huge moments of doubt, where I find myself searching the job boards but I know that I don’t want to chug along feeling comfortable. I want to push myself. I want to back myself. And I want to go the hell at it.
For me, that’s huge.
So self discovery it is.
What’s your word or feeling for this year?