Raspberry Like…

Last night I spent my evening at a movie themed party in head-to-toe pink. I looked like a giant raspberry. In fact, one of my friends actually referred to me as a raspberry runt. Brilliant.

Yesterday I told you I was going to be Elle Woods and I stayed true to my promise. I wore a pink Olivia Rubin dress, pink shoes, pink ASOS coat, pink clutch, pink lips and of course pink nails. I even had pink legs in the end from the cold.

I don’t have many good pictures from the night itself but the not-so-new boyf managed to grab one when we got home. Please remember I was on the sauce and it was late, hence the vacant look.

Just ignore the mess that is my room in the background.

I bet Elle Woods is quaking in her little pink shoes…


One response to “Raspberry Like…”

  1. Avatar daisychain says:

    That dress is just incredible on you x