I wasn’t expecting to brave the sales yesterday we just kind of decided to get out the house and see if there was anything worth looking at….and let me tell you there was.
When I visit my local shopping centre I always like to pop into Matalan. They have some trend-led pieces, have some funky undies, great shoes and are cheap. I’m not particularly found of sales shopping, mainly because I’m not particularly good at rummaging through tightly packed sales racks…I get all sweaty and hate feeling territorial around other shoppers when they swoop in on the section I’m browsing through.
Anyway we went in to Matalan with me thinking that I’d have a quick look but save most of my time to look at the shoes. How wrong could I be. Within 10 mins of entering the store I had picked up four skirts and one waistcoat. AND to make things even better they all bloomin’ well fit me for once…I’m never normally that lucky.
Below is a mixture of my new sales clothes and also some Christmas prezzies…
Firstly this chiffon animal print skirt caught my eye…it has that tough looking edge but still due to the fabric has a girly edge…
Then there was this black pu skirt…I have actually been lusting after a leather-looky skirt…
I love the draped detailing and the shine on this skirt…perfect for work…
Finally on the skirt front this little red tulip…and long fronted waistcoat…In case you were wondering this massive fluffy cardi was a Christmas prezzie from my lil brother…
I also got some boots, jeans and a jumper but may have to post these images another time……I do realise this post is soooooooo heavily image led.