10 Things You Only Know if You Have IBS

This one goes out to all my fellow IBSers. Because God knows you’ll be able to relate.

Ten things you’ll only know if you have IBS:

1. Where the nearest toilet is from your current location and all of those within a mile radius.

2. That those strange gurgles from your gut are a sure-fire sign that some IBS action is on its way and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

3. How heartbreaking it is to be offered a seat on the train because someone has mistaken your IBS bloating for a pregnancy. Yep. We’ve all been there.

4. That it’s NOT just IBS. It’s a chronic condition which is a literal pain in the ass to live with.

5. And that it’s so much more complex than just an upset stomach.

6. How to skim read ingredient lists and to pick up quickly on trigger foods.

7. How much of a nightmare it is to go out for dinner and order a dish straight off the menu without making any changes. This never happens.

8. That draining, lethargic feeling that follows you around everywhere.

9. The constant circular pattern of stress bringing on your IBS symptoms and then the IBS symptoms making you stressed. Agin and again and again.

10. That there’s really no cure and you have to figure out what helps you all by yourself.

Got any others to add? Drop ’em below.

Read More About My Struggle with IBS:

NEW VIDEO: 14 Tips for Travelling Abroad with IBS

Meditation + Yoga + IBS = A Happy Body

What’s the Fuss About Probiotics and Why I Swear By Symprove

Why I Need To Hang Up My High-Waisted Skinny Jeans

8 Things I Swear By To Help My IBS

Not Just IBS: My First Vlog on All Things Poo Taboo

Living with IBS: The Foods I Miss the Most

IBS, Anxiety and Me

6 Things To Do When You Need Some Time Out

IBS Update: 7 Weeks into My Symprove Trial

My IBS Update: Back on Symprove

What to Do When an IBS Attack Strikes

Everything You Wanted to Know About IBS But Didn’t Want to Ask

How to Make the Best Tasting Water Kefir Probiotic

The Reality of Making Your Own Probiotic

Making My Own Probiotics: The Brew Factor

IBS Then and Now: My 12 Week Symprove Review

What I Wear to Beat the Bloat

IBS: A Quarter of the Way Through My Symprove Trial and Feeling Tickety Boo

How I Deal with My IBS on a Daily Basis

IBS: You Are What You Eat

8 Reasons Why Living with IBS Sucks Big Time

3 IBS-Friendly Breakfast Recipes to Try This Weekend

My Irritable Gut and I


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