As they say in the blogesphere (think I may have spelt that wrong!)……time for a little bit of shoe porn….curtousey of Kurt Geiger
Shoes from top left: Elanor £130, Alice £120, Lourdes £100, Siri £250, Betsy £120 and Lourdes £100.
Ahhhhhh…I’d love my summer shoe list to look like a tub of mixed sorbet. A splash of orange there, a bit of purple here all topped off by a dash of blue…..
Oh yeah Carvela also got in on the sorbet act…this time they added studs….
Shucks! Thanks Jo lol. I am gushing over some of these platforms. Once my undeiable fixation on black booties subsides I'll be sure to be snaffling some colourful ones up 😉
xx Eeli
those are all SO GORGEOUS!! my faves are the orange and green sorbet, and the one with the silky pink bow =)
ooh, the blue booties are my favourite!
nicola xx
I love those oxford purple flats!
"f I were a rich girl…la la la la la la la la la la la….."
hahaha:D same here
those blue boots are my fav <33
love the purple oxfords 😀
Loving all the shoes, great taste 🙂