My Brand Spanking New Cookie Monster Coat

I have a lot in common with the Cookie Monster. In fact, I’ll start by naming three things right now.

1. We both like cookies
2. We both have a blue furry coat
3. We both act a muppet on a regular basis

For today’s purposes we’re going to focus on point two. My gorgeous new blue furry coat.

I originally featured this coat as my Want it on Wednesday at the end of November after seeing it in Topshop the weekend before with my mum. As soon as we both spotted it, I gravitated towards it and stroked it. I probably looked a muppet (see what I did there) but I’m afraid it’s just a basic instinct for me. After 10 minutes or so, I tried it on, fell in love and BAM, there was my mum’s Christmas prezzie to me sorted.

Usually I wear a size 10, sometimes a 12 in coats, as I have extremely broad shoulders. However, I actually got this coat in a size 8 as it’s super over-sized anyway. I find it hangs perfectly and due to the bright blue, brightens any outfit as well as generally cheering me up.

I’ve layered it with a maroon scarf of Al’s (I feel like it’s finally
time to use the not-so-new boys actual name) and this amazing
bling-bling beanie which a lovely friend of mine (thanks Char if you’re
reading) got me for my birthday.

Now, where are the god damn cookies. Me want cookies.


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