7 Men That Totally Rock A Moustache

I am a sucker for facial hair. I’m not talking designer stubble here, I mean full on facial fuzz, a proper trimmed moustache leading into a perfectly sculpted beard. To be honest, I’d probably still like it even if it wasn’t trimmed or sculpted. The not-so-new boyf, Al (there, I’ve typed his actual name for once), has a face full of hair and I blooming well love it.

Anyway, as this month has been Movember I’ve been searching the web for the best moustaches in the business. I present to you my seven favourite celebrity moustaches (beards and goatees included) of all time. Be prepared to drool ladies…

7. George Clooney

This list wouldn’t have felt complete without silver fox Clooney on it. The picture may well be pixelated but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to lick it.

6. Hugh Jackman

This to me is bearded perfection. Note the furrowed brow, the windswept locks, the neck tie. I like it all.

5. David Beckham

That intense stare from Becks is enough to make me go weak at the knees but when throw in facial fuzz for free, I’m a hot mess.

4. Johnny Depp

So the moustache may be a little thin and sparse in places but Johnny can make anything look sexy. Fact.

3.Jake Gyllenhaal

That quiff, those eyes, the facial fuzz. Swoon.

2. Daniel Craig

Craig. Daniel Craig. The man with the dodgy-but-I-like-it tache.
1. Ryan Gosling

There could only ever be one winner here. This man can do no wrong in the facial hair stakes. Mr Gosling I salute you and would like to marry you, please.


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