I’ve been looking for a new handbag for a little while now. Although, I’ve not really had any idea of what I’m actually ‘looking’ for. I find that I usually know exactly what I want. Normally it’s fairly simple, I might need a quirky clutch for a night out or maybe a large tote for work. This time, nada.
I’ve been drooling over a few Cambridge satchels, in particular a fluro pink version but, as badly as I want it, I just don’t have the funds to justify it. Heartbreaking stuff.
Anyway, I was having a browse of the ASOS sale (I’m pretty sure we all know where this post is going) and just so happened to click upon this little beaut. Ta da…
I’ve never heard of the brand Liquorish before but this mini satchel made my heart jump.
It’s cute and compact, meaning I won’t over-stuff, something I constantly do. It’s a brilliant bright orange, which means it will clash with 80% of my wardrobe, something I’m happy to do. And at £30 in the ASOS sale, it’s so cheap it’s almost a crime. OK, so it’s not real leather but hey, what do I care.
Technically I have to admit it didn’t cost me a penny as the rather generous not-so-new boyf ordered it for me. It’ll be winging it’s way into my arms Thursday. Stay tuned.
Love that bag!
Such an amazing colour. Great that you didnt have to pay either! haha x
SO tempted.