What I Wore Today: Little Red Dress

This weekend has been my idea of perfect. The not-so-new boyf and I finally got around to buying and putting up some curtains in our living room and getting a few bits and pieces for the house. We also went out and demolished the biggest roast dinner you’ve ever seen. I am currently sporting what looks like a very pregnant looking belly – it’s mainly due to the warm chocolate brownie pudding really…

Anyway, to go to lunch I decided to wear this flimsy little red dress.

 Dress, BooHoo. Tights, Tesco.
I bought this dress from boohoo.com for less than £10 and as of yet, haven’t really worn it. It’s very short and very flimsy and for some reason just doesn’t feel right without a thick pair of tights.

It’s also good for hiding a food baby!

Hope everyone’s had a good weekend.


One response to “What I Wore Today: Little Red Dress”

  1. Avatar daisychain says:

    I really like that dress on you, you should wear it more! x