Caped crusader…

Today I thought I’d pull on my trusted cape jumper which keeps me super warm and cosy, it kind of encases me in it’s big super size which I love….also thought I’d bust out a bit of bright colour…
Sorry for the awkward poses…I’m not really sure what I’m doing in these pics. I just wanted to show off the cape…

(Cape jumper ASOS, dress Topshop, black long sleeved top and ribbed tights Primark, black necklace Warehouse)

6 responses to “Caped crusader…”

  1. Avatar Rylie says:

    I love that sweater! really cute.

  2. very cool sweater, I want something just like it. Very Olsen!! =]


  3. Avatar Adair says:

    I really like the pink dress! And the way the sweater is worn with it in the last picture is cute!

    To do the tights I just shoved a piece of cardboard in a leg to the toe, and used plain acrylic paint (I get mine at a dollar store here in a small tube) and painted. Then moved the tights along the cardboard/as I painted it section by section. I’m thinking I might post a tutorial in the future on it. 🙂

  4. Avatar esther says:

    eeee drapey cape! love.

  5. the cape is beutiful. and i love your poses

  6. Avatar Emz says:

    Cool sweater! I love your dress =)