I am actually obsessed with these shoes. I would wear them every single day if I could but in my mind that’s unfair to the others in my collection. These shoes seem to pick up reactions wherever I wear them so I figured I’d give you an insight in to what happened when I wore them to work…
Any morning that I choose to wear these shoes it always results in Al have a little laugh at their expense.
A group of three school girls who hop on my train not-so-quietly whispered “those girl’s shoes are so cool.”
While riding up the escalator in our building, one of my colleagues said she knew it was me in front of her because of my shoes.
I clip clopped round with just the thin strap helping control my Bambi ankles.
I got told shoes with pom poms on deserved to be worshipped. I couldn’t and wouldn’t argue with that.
I stared at them at hourly intervals in admiration.
I had a permanent toothy grin.
I got told on several occasions by different team members that only I could wear shoes like this.
I got told they’d made someone’s day. And he happened to be male.
And there you have it, a day in the life of my cute-as-hell heels.
Find Out What Happened:
The Day I Wore a Ginormous Faux Fur Scarf to Work
The Day I wore Red Glitter Boots to Work