Picture the scenario – although if you’re a commuter you’ll know this well and will likely have your own version – the sun has been shining all day at a beautiful temperature of 24 degrees. Because the sun’s out everyone is eager to leave work on time and get the quickest train home, making the queues on the platform three-men deep.
Add to this my very slow, end of the line, very old train and you effectively have a sweat pit. It’s always rammed full and we don’t have any air con. You can do the sweaty maths, I can’t even get my hands up past my sides.
Anyway, you’ll know that no matter the outfit, you will effectively have little beads of sweat frizzing your hairline and dripping down your back making you feel disgusting. You just can’t dress for the trains in the summer.
That’s why, when I received a text from a friend who commutes saying he’d seen a lady with her shirt completely unbuttoned, exposing her bra, I felt like I had to write something. That ladies and gentlemen, might just be how you should dress. I’m not sure I’d ever be brave enough to do so, but if you are, then I fully champion it.
To the lady on the tube with the unbuttoned shirt and bra situation, I salute you.