Warning- this post will contain many images and lots of gushing…you have been warned!
You may remember a little post I did back in August where I mocked up images of my head on three of my fave Olivia Rubin A/W dresses…..Well I sent her an email showing my undying love for her clothes and we got talking. Well I’ll just let my pictures do the talking…Looky looky…
It’s so beautiful. I sometimes just find myself staring at it in awe that I actually own it. My first (and hopefully never my last) designer dress. And what a great way to start. The big zipper down the back and the little one at the front, the colour blocks, the two opposing prints, it just all works so well together. (I did warn you about the gushing)
Me and the boyf decided to do a date night last night so it was the perfect opportunity to showcase my new number. I honestly feel like the dress is such a showstopper you don’t really need any accessories. Just chucked on a jersey blazer and some boots and voila…
I got a feeling that this dress is going to get a lorra lorra wears. Thanks Olivia. Check her out here. I feel a bit all gushed out now!
Wow, that's awesome!!!
Wow, you're so lucky! The dress is amazing, I want my own 😉
That dress is so adorable!
Hello there, thanks very much for the comment. The fashion show is in Manchester in the triangle shopping centre. Starts at roughly 4pm. Come along!! Love that dress in your post, it looks great.
Rianna Bethany xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Hey (:
Whoa fashion dreams came true for you hun thats so great!!
It looks perfect on you too!
So glad I'm not the only one who sends love letters to fashion designers he he (:
happy sunday
prettyneons X
Looks great on you JoJo. You work it grrlfriend x
waouh!what an wonderful dress!love the prints colorful!^^)and it's so amazing on you!
so so jealous!
Stunner!! You look amazing 🙂
Chezzy xxxx