Meet the Fluffy New Addition to My Handbag Collection

What’s fluffy, ridiculously cute and can be found hanging off my shoulder? My new handbag straight outta my dreams of course!

This purchase all happened so fast it’s become a bit of a blur. 
It all started with a day trip to Gunwharf Quays on the hunt for the perfect birthday prezzies for my dad and big sis. We found both easily, no spoilers here. However, as soon as we walked into Fiorelli I knew it’d be trouble. 

You see this little fluffy number practically threw itself off the clearance shelf into my arms. It was fate. The meeting of two life partners who couldn’t be any better suited.
I’m on a shopping ban at the moment (which is painful) so knew I wouldn’t be buying it, even though it was an absolute bargain at £15. This didn’t stop me from walking round the shop, checking myself out in all the mirrors. 
It all ended with my little brother grabbing it from me and marching to the till with it.

And now it’s all mine.
Cue evil laugh and me throwing my head back. 

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