Want it on Wednesday: ASOS Extreme Skater Dress With Laser Cut Outs

Our eyes first met when flicking through an ASOS mag looking for Christmas prezzie inspiration. It was love at first sight.

I was drawn in by the laser cut outs, nipped in waist and full skater skirt.

It looks sleek and expensive and I want it, no, need this dress in my life worse than bad.

I imagine that when walking the skirt bounces with joy at each step. I need to experience that. Why would you disallow me that pleasure?

So what d’ya say skater dress, think I could take you home?


One response to “Want it on Wednesday: ASOS Extreme Skater Dress With Laser Cut Outs”

  1. Avatar daisychain says:

    this is a baaaaaaaaad month for me to be on half pay! x