The Day I Broke the Poo Taboo On the Radio

Never did I imagine that I’d end up on the local radio talking about IBS, frequent bowel movements and how I manage my gut health.

Nevertheless it happened and it was bloody brilliant.

When I got the initial invite from my probiotic champions, Symprove, I was hesitant at first. I let my nerves and fear get the better of me. But after thinking about the opportunity and the potential that my voice and story could help someone, I knew I had to push past the heart palpitations and do it. And I don’t regret it.

My blog has become the place where I openly talk about the poo taboo, my symptoms, how I manage a chronic illness and what I wear when I’m so bloated I look 9 months pregnant. I adore the honesty at which I can share my story and I get the biggest buzz off the comments, Tweets and DM’s I receive when people feel brave enough to tell me theirs. It means that times are shifting and that I’ve built up a trust with you, as my audience, to talk about gut health and the frequency of my bathroom visits. And I love it.

So although I was absolutely petrified about going on the radio – so much so it kicked off my nervy IBS symptoms – I knew this was too big an opportunity to miss.

Because of the breaking news story about the election we had a while to wait for our slot but this just meant longer to hang out with Barry, who is the equivalent of my gut health uncle and brains behind Symprove. He helped keep my mind occupied and calm my nerves.

Once I’d slid into the booth and put my headphones on, I felt strangely calm. With IBS I know my shit, in all senses of the word. I spoke openly about when it all started, how I mange it now and the big effect it has had on my life. I think we were on air for 20 minutes but it felt a lot quicker. If you missed the chat you can listen again here. Just scrub through to 02:20 to hear my common-as-muck voice blather on. I haven’t braved listening back to it yet.

After our slot my phone was full of congratulatory and proud messages from friends, family and you guys and it was such an overwhelming high. I felt stupidly proud of myself.

So thank you. Thank you for always listening and being so supportive when I share my story. It honestly means the world. I will forever aim to break the poo taboo.


3 responses to “The Day I Broke the Poo Taboo On the Radio”

  1. Avatar Lisa B says:

    Aw this is fab. Well done you, it’s a very brave thing to do!
    Lisa x

  2. Avatar Sam says:

    I am tucked up with a cuppa listening in (Finally!) xxx