IBS and Picking Up the Courage To Go Back To the Doctors

I actually hate going to the doctors, especially when it revolves around my IBS, and like to put it off for as long as possible before resorting to making an appointment with a wait time of at least 2 weeks. Last week I picked up my courage and went back demanding more testing and more answers.

In those two weeks before my appointment, I made a list of everything I wanted and needed to ask and built up the courage to focus on not leaving in tears, which, when my appointment is focussed on my IBS, is normally the case. Which is why it’s taken until now for me to go back and demand more testing, and ask for more help.

I walked into that appointment with the aim of being referred to a dietician who could help me strictly follow the low-FODMAP diet to pinpoint the exact foods that don’t play ball with my gut.

For once I felt that the doctor I saw didn’t try to fob me off. Instead he went through my history, my symptoms and how I currently manage my IBS before looking at what had and hadn’t been tested in the past. He asked me when I was diagnosed, to which I said I thought I’d had it for over 10 years but hadn’t been to the doctors about it in a long time as I’d lost hope.

I spent what felt like 5 minutes of my appointment explaining what the FODMAP diet was and how I loosely followed it but really wanted to nail what was and still is causing my flares ups. He responded by saying that before we got there he’d noticed I’d never been tested for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) so wanted to eliminate that before we moved on to the dietician. I actually felt like I was being listened to and my symptoms taken seriously, with us agreeing that I’d give a sample and wait until we had IBD ruled in or out before moving on to the next steps.

It was the first time, in a long time, that I haven’t left the doctors fighting off floods of tears.

Now all I need to do is wait.

Read More About My Struggle with IBS:

The Highs and Lows of Living with IBS

NEW VIDEO: IBS, Anxiety and Me

How I’ve Learnt to Talk Myself Out of an Anxiety Attack with My IBS

10 Things You Only Know if You Have IBS

NEW VIDEO: 14 Tips for Travelling Abroad with IBS

Meditation + Yoga + IBS = A Happy Body

What’s the Fuss About Probiotics and Why I Swear By Symprove

Why I Need To Hang Up My High-Waisted Skinny Jeans

8 Things I Swear By To Help My IBS

Not Just IBS: My First Vlog on All Things Poo Taboo

Living with IBS: The Foods I Miss the Most

IBS, Anxiety and Me

6 Things To Do When You Need Some Time Out

IBS Update: 7 Weeks into My Symprove Trial

My IBS Update: Back on Symprove

What to Do When an IBS Attack Strikes

Everything You Wanted to Know About IBS But Didn’t Want to Ask

How to Make the Best Tasting Water Kefir Probiotic

The Reality of Making Your Own Probiotic

Making My Own Probiotics: The Brew Factor

IBS Then and Now: My 12 Week Symprove Review

What I Wear to Beat the Bloat

IBS: A Quarter of the Way Through My Symprove Trial and Feeling Tickety Boo

How I Deal with My IBS on a Daily Basis

IBS: You Are What You Eat

8 Reasons Why Living with IBS Sucks Big Time

3 IBS-Friendly Breakfast Recipes to Try This Weekend

My Irritable Gut and I


One response to “IBS and Picking Up the Courage To Go Back To the Doctors”

  1. Congratulatory HI FIVE from a stranger on the Internet. Myou toes shall be crossed you get the right answer.