Still a sample sale virgin

Well my morning didn’t quite go as planned. I said on Friday that I was getting all excited like a kid at Christmas about attending my first sample sale, only to wake up this morning feeling rough, rough, rough. What made things worse was the sound of the rain pummeling against my window which made me want to stay hidden under the cover forever.

By this point I was feeling extremely sorry for myself so I decided to finish writing up my interview with John Patrick the organic fashion designer from New York. Seventy per cent of the materials used are sustainable and he even home grew some flax for his designs.

Eco clothing sometimes worries me as I do not fancy looking like a hemp heifer but his style is definitely not compromised. His Spring/ Summer 09 ‘American Gothic’ collection features prairie skirts, over sized blazers, pretty dresses and short biker jackets.Which I suppose proves you can look good and help raise eco issues.


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